Family Reunion 2009
Thomas Pond, Bloomfield, NY
Update: 8/31/2009
Back row: Paul Thomas, Ed Thomas, Julie Kilby, Courtney Thomas, Kevin Vragel, Joan Vragel, Steven Vragel, Emily Brunet, Greg Thomas, Randy Thomas, Amy Thomas, Lill Thomas

2nd row: David Fraser, Tom Berl, Jack Fraser, Theresa Fraser, Jeremy Smyth, Jackie Smyth, Shauna Ford, John Ford, Bev Thomas, Sharon Burd, Linda Albin, Carole Mansfield, Anne Thomas, Ellen Brunet, Cindy Thomas, Bill Fraser, Ruth Williamson, Ray Thomas, Trent Thomas, Tim Thomas, Elaine Thomas, Chris Thomas, Jeannine Fiore

1st Row: Beth Berl, Michaela Berl, Eli Fiore, Shelia Thomas, Charlie Thomas, Dorothy Berl, Ben Thomas, Pam Beard, Heather Brainerd, Richard Brainerd, Stuart Myers, Tricia Beerens

Sitting: Ray Fiore, Ed Strapp, Karen Strapp, Harley Fellows, Ciara Reagan, Haley Fraser, Camelia Beard, Charlotte Beerens, Anabel Beerens, Onnolee Beerens, Cale Gillan, Camden Brainerd, Weston Brainerd
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  Clans Fraser & Thomas Reunion 2009

Thank you David and Susie for so graciously opening your beautiful home and welcoming us all to gather for a few days.  It was wonderful to have six Fraser kids (Jack was the only holdout) all sleeping under one roof.    We shared many wonderful meals lovingly prepared by Susie & David and their family.      It was a wonderful weekend.    Thank you Ellen for spending weeks in preparation.   Coordinating with our Thomas cousins and making sure we had our special comfort foods (white hots & salt potatoes).   Ever ready with your camera - recording another momentous family event.   Thank you Bill & Jane for arranging to have Lynda fly home for the reunion - Jane was unable to join us this year - and we all agreed that it was not the same without her.  She was missed by all. Thank you Lynda for making the long trip - just a few days after Dee & Curt's wedding.... you hardly had time to sweep up the confetti before you had to head for the airport!!!   Thank you Sharon for making it a full house!!  Sharon surprised us all, hope as we did that she could arrange her busy work schedule, we were not sure until she, Pamela and Camelia pulled into Ionia on Friday evening.    What a wonderful surprise!    Jack, thank you for being our glue.  Another advantage of holding the reunion in the Bloomfield/Holcomb area was that we could all gather together for a few minutes at the cemetery on Saturday morning.

What a great idea to celebrate this year with all our family at the Pond so near to Grandma & Grandpa Thomas' farmhouse where we spent so many happy times.    I could almost imagine Grandpa playing the fiddle, Mom at the piano and Uncle Dick singing - with the lingering smell of Grandma's rolls and Christmas cookies filling the house.   Twenty-one (1st) cousins to hug and share happy memories.    As young children we would dance and sing along ..... now we are parents and grandparents (great-grandparents) ourselves!  Thanks to all the Thomas boys (and that wonderful Thomas girl, Bev) who so lovingly care for the property. Not a blade of grass out of place .....   Thanks to many others:  Chris, did a terrific job at the grill, Jeannine snapping pictures and getting everyone lined up!!!  Tim getting the word out and organizing everything at the Thomas end.   Everyone for their wonderful contributions of great food and drinks. Thanks Susie & crew for baking all those wonderful cookies.  Great to see Aunt Dorothy, Aunt Anne, Uncle Charlie, Aunt Shelia and Uncle Ben & Cindy (Uncle Dick & Aunt Eunie were missed).  So many cousins and special friends helped make it a very special day.