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Fraser Reunion 2002
Oneida Lake, Syracuse, NY
Update: 8/23/2009
Back Row:  Allison Estes, Katie Estes, Emily Brunet, Ellen Brunet, Mary Brunet, Jeff Fraser, Scott Beard Jr, Perry Estes, David Stoquert, Kim Stoquert, Shane Fraser, Ken Fraser, Jack Fraser Jr, David Fraser II, E.J. Burse, Dick Burd, Ryan Burd
Middle Row:  Butch DiFranco, Nancy DiFranco, David E. Fraser, Beverly Fraser, Kevin Fraser, Becky Fraser, Bill Fraser, Jane Song Fraser, John Fraser, Anabel Beerens, Tricia Beerens, Michelle Fraser, Elizabeth Aktar, Simon Aktar, Gram Fraser, Mishele Estes, Shannon Burd, Pam Beard, Misty Fraser, Robin Fraser, Brendan Fraser, Chloe Fraser, Theresa Fraser, Ruth Williamson, Susan Fraser, Onnolee Beerens, Carlie Fraser, Sharon Burd, Brooke Suter
Front Row:  Dakota Fraser, Kasey Fraser, Megan Estes, Morgan Burd, Ben Dewees, Erin Burd, Camelia Beard, Kaleb Fraser, Cassandra Fraser, Charlena Fraser, Kendra Fraser
Clan Fraser 2002 Reunion
  Clan Fraser Reunion 2002

In July of 2002 the family of Jack Shannon Fraser and wife, Charlotte,  met on the shores of Oneida Lake for a first reunion of this ever-growing family.  Information was sent to the seven Fraser siblings, as well as to David, Nancy, Marian, and other extended family Frasers.

The day was all that we had hoped for, and more.  T-shirts, emblazoned with our own clan Fraser family crest, were handed out to all comers - from toddlers to seniors.  A table, laden with vegetable plates and fruit bowls, chips and dips, was there for snacks until the caterer arrived with our barbecue.  Chicken, hots and hamburgers, baked beans, salads, salt potatoes, relishes and watermelon satisfied the crowd of hungry picnickers.

And a table of deserts satisfied the sweet tooth for us all.  David E. Fraser and Nancy DeFranco, son and daughter of Earl Fraser, celebrated with us, but Marian Reed Ebert, daughter of Margaret Fraser Reed,  sent her regrets.

Before a brief  meeting  our  son,  Bill,  asked a blessing in a moving tribute to our family.  An election of officers put Jack Jr.  and  David  Earl  as co-chairmen,  with  Ellen  as  recording  secretary and photographer.  A decision was reached to have an annual reunion, to be held on the last Saturday of July.

A group photograph had been scheduled, and our family of over 60 gathered together for our first clan Fraser reunion picture.
Clan Fraser 2002
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