Fraser Reunion 2005
Oneida Lake, Syracuse, NY
Update: 8/23/2009
Back Row:  E.J. Burse, David Fraser II, Jeremy Smyth, Shane Fraser, Kadin Fraser, Jacob Dewees, Melvin Brown, Levi Wivell, Bill Fraser, John  Fraser, Ken Fraser, Rolland Brunet, Mary Brunet, Katelyn Estes, Ryan Burd, Dick Burd, Jack Fraser Jr

Middle Row:  Carlie Burse, Susan Fraser, Cale Gillan, Tricia Beerens, Charlotte Beerens, Heather Gillan, Jackie Fraser, Misty Fraser, Shannon Burd, Ruth Williamson, Jane Song Fraser, Gram, Cassandra Fraser, Robin Fraser, Chloe Fraser, Pam Beard, Ellen Brunet, Emily Brunet, Allison Thompson, Brooke Burd, Rylee Burd, Sharon Burd, Theresa Fraser

Front Row;   Onnolee Beerens, Anabel Beerens, Ben Dewees, Kaleb Fraser, Charlena Fraser, Hayley Fraser, Kendra Fraser, Brendan Fraser, Jeremy Rivito, Camelia Beard, Megan Estes, Ciara Reagan
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  Clan Fraser Reunion 2005

Our celebration for Reunion 2005 began on Thursday, July 28th, this year - with Ruth driving up from New Jersey on that day, Jane and John arriving here late afternoon on a flight from Minneapolis, Pam and Camelia coming up from Maryland, and David here for his usual Thursday overnight after golf. Ruth had dinner on the table as soon as everyone had gathered, and Gram had a full house for sleeping, with even the sofas serving as beds.

Friday was a day for busy hands, getting supplies and food ready. Ruth and Jane did last minute shopping from lists Ellen used when she got paper products, condiments, and anything she could get ahead of time. And Jane made a delicious Chinese dinner for that evening, with Ruth filling in with other favorite dishes. We had our Thursday night family at the table again, as well as more family from Maryland by dinner time - Dick and Sharon, Allie, Katie and Megan, with Bill flying in from Minnesota later in the evening.

On Saturday we made last minute preparations at home, and Ellen with her girls, Misty, Ken and Charlena, and Ruth were all at the park to clean, decorate, and get tables ready for food. Ellen had made refridgerator magnets as a take-home special, and David brought pocket planners and key rings with the clan Fraser logo . Ellen had a newsletter ready, and signs, pictures, a calendar, flowers - she didn't leave out a thing. With Jane's recent naturalization, our theme this year was patriotic - every place we could use red/white/blue, we did. The colors were splashed about, in table ware, decorations, table covers, even our clothes, as most of us wore one of the colors to show our love for our newest citizen. The most surprising effort by Ellen was printing and framing several of this year's photos within minutes of the start of our celebration. She had CDs ready for us by the end of the day, with more than 50 candid shots. Our group photo was at 2:00pm as planned, and Jack had the grills going soon after. The weather was ideal for a picnic - high 70 degree temperature, sunny, with balmy Oneida Lake breezes. Several of us drove to Williams Park on the way home for more pictures - with our familiar island in the background.

Our Reunion Weekend didn't end with Saturday. On Sunday morning everybody staying at motels in the area went to Gram's for breakfast of pancakes, sausage, home fries, eggs, toast, fruit, juice, coffee cake and cookies before starting home. Sunday was another day of reunion for several of the family - Jack drove a van to the Thomas Reunion in Bloomfield, and Theresa, Ruth, Jane, John and Bill rode with him. More photos, more precious moments to be remembered. Once more for special family memories - our 2005 Reunion weekend.