Fraser Reunion 2006
Oneida Lake, Syracuse, NY
Update: 8/23/2009
Back Row:  Jack Fraser, Lynne Fraser, Ricky Burd, Bill Fraser, Don Chapman, Greg Fraser, Ken Fraser, Bill Fraser, Jeremy Smyth, Chris Sotherden, Sinan Aktar, Jeff Williamson, Jacob Dewees, EJ Burse, David Fraser Jack Fraser, Theresa Fraser, Shane Fraser, Sharon Burd, Dick Burd, Rolland Brunet, Ellen Brunet

Middle Row:  Jason Burd, Brandie Burd, Irene Chapman, Kate Fraser, Robin Fraser, Jane Song, Jackie Smyth, Kim Stoquert, Carson Stoquert, Elizabeth Aktar, Ruth Williamson, Shannon Burd, Carlie Burse, Susan Fraser, Pam Beard, Tricia Beerens, Charlotte Beerens, Misty Fraser, Kadin Fraser

Front Row:  Morgan Burd, Erin Burd, Nichole Rowe, Shauna Fraser, Rachelle Fraser, Jenna Fraser, Charlena Fraser, Hayley Fraser, Jayde Sotherden, Kendra Fraser, Chloe Fraser, Simon Aktar, Jeremy Rivito, Brendan Fraser, Megan Estes, Camelia Beard, Anabel Beerens, Onnolee Beerens, Kaleb Fraser
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  Clan Fraser Reunion 2006

We got through it with Mom's guidance.  Needless to say, Gram had most of the arrangements made: location, menu, favors, theme, all we needed to do was show up.  Don & Iren were with us again and introduced us to more descendants of Uncle Major.  Ten Canadian relatives in all, including three generations from one family and another Bill Fraser and another Jack Fraser.  Gram would have been pleased.  We plan to keep in touch and maybe one day have our reunion in the Toronto area.

Then there was all that blue and orange in honor of Mom's beloved SU.  Many SU shirts included.  I'm sure Mom & Dad sent that big storm, so we'd have some time when we were all together in one little space.  Ellen, once again, came through with capturing so many wonderful memories with her camera.  She also made beautiful memory candles and refrigerator magnets for everyone.  As in the past, David collaborated with Mom to come up with a perfect favor to commemorate the day.  This year  it was her idea to have another refrigerator magnet, although it was David's inspiration to have Mom & Dad's beautiful wedding picture on the magnet. 

We celebrated Ellen & Rolland's 25th anniversary, Misty's 30th birthday, EJ's 25th and Simon's 5th .... so many milestones.  Two new babies on the way, happy mothers-to-be  Elizabeth and Carlie both looking radiant in ORANGE .  

We didn't change the menu, Mom had that perfected.  Red & white hots, salt potatoes, salads, Jane's special egg rolls and Susie's cookies.  Our photographer noted how he looks forward to coming to our reunion and how very much we must all miss Mom/Gram - he enjoyed working with her.  As she instructed, Oneida Lake can be seen in the background.

Lynda and family were unable to attend and were missed tremendously - they were with us in our hearts and I'm sure John can superimpose the IL contingent in the picture if we ask!  Unable to lodge at Mitchell Ave. in Mattydale, or to have our annual Sunday morning brunch, the out-of-towners stayed at the motel at the airport, very convenient for those who travel by air, Bill & Jane from MN and Jeff from CA.  Jack & Theresa served a wonderful brunch on Sunday morning, eggs, sausage, bacon, home fries, toast, juices and coffee.  We all headed home with happy, yet heavy hearts and wishing everyone safe travels and good health.  Plans are underway for next year's reunion - same weekend, same place, same menu - if Mom has her way.